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Behind the Walls: Prison Radio Show to Start

Behind The Walls: Prison Radio Show To Start

To bring prison news to millions of potential listeners every week, MIM (Maoist International Movement) is starting a weekly radio program called Behind the Walls . The program will include some of the same material they now use in their newspaper, but will also give them a chance to use music, interviews and sound recordings. Non profit community and student radio programs across the country will air the program beginning this fall.

They are looking for stories, music, interviews or other sources of audio information to draw attention to the realities of life in Amerika's gulags. Anything you can suggest will be really helpful, and if you or someone you know has access to tape recorders, please send tapes. They'll use them and try to return them to you. Urge family and friends to get Behind the Walls for their community stations.

We think the radio program will help make the prison movement take off and fly. As the state moves against revolutionary and progressive prisoners, the people need support from the outside as well. It is hoped that Behind the Walls will take that effort to new heights. Send submissions, ideas or suggestions to: MIM, P.O. Box 3576, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-3576.

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