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Sundiata Acoli Needs Letters

In 1973 Black Panther members Sundiata Acoli and Assata Shakur were captured after a shootout with New Jersey state troopers. One of their comrades, Zayd Shakur, and a police officer were killed. Now, twenty years later, Sundiata is up for parole (Assata escaped from custody and currently resides in the safety of socialist Cuba). The board has hinted that it intends to give the already 56-year old Sundiata a ten year flop. For Sundiata, who is infected with tuberculosis, that amounts to a death sentence.

Outside readers are urged to write to the parole board demanding that Sundiata be released at his parole hearing. Prisoners should have family members write. The address is:

N.J. Parole Board
Trenton, NJ 08625

Send a copy of your letter or petition to: The Sundiata Acoli Freedom Campaign, P.O. Box 55388, Manhattanville Station, Harlem, NY 10027, so his attorney will be able to verify to the Board that the letters were sent. This man has suffered enough; he deserves to live out his remaining years with dignity.

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