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Storm Warning

By Paul Wright

This is a bi-monthly magazine put out by the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (anti-imperialist). There are a disproportionate number of veterans in the gulags in this country, as most prisoners have noticed by now. Storm Warning (SW) is free to prisoners; the editors did time in Vietnam for mutiny. Each issue has a lot of articles on the failed U.S. invasion of Vietnam, as well as current stuff such as the role of sexism and the oppression of women in a militarized society such as ours. The last issue has a very good article about women in combat and the society that puts them there in the first place.

For those of us that were in the military you'll know exactly where they're coming from; if you haven't, you'll get an idea of what it's like. The VVAG (AI) is also in the forefront of the struggle against repressive laws (when the anti-flag burning law came into effect they set fire to 1,000 flags in front of the Seattle post office, their "thousand points of light"), against sexism and against U.S. aggression in Central America and elsewhere. They definitely aren't going to let the lessons of Vietnam be forgotten.

Some of you may be asking, "What does the military have to do with prisons?" Aside from the large number of veterans in prison, the military fulfills much the same role prisons do; they are a means of societal control by which those who have the wealth and political power in the country run things. The regimentation, repression and limitation of "rights" apply as equally to soldiers as to prisoners. Like prisoners, those most likely to fight and die in acts of aggression against smaller nations like Lebanon, Grenada, and Panama are the poor, the minorities, the disenfranchised, the ones who don't have rich family members who can get them college deferments because of their connections (like Vice President Quayle). So check it out. Write:

Storm Warning
4710 University Way NE #1612
Seattle, Washington 98105

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