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Attorney General Uses Erroneous Information

A former inmate of the Reformatory filed a personal restraint petition because Earned Time credits had not been applied to his sentence once he had served two-thirds of his sentence. The petition alleged that he should be entitled to regain earned time credits that were denied previously (33 days).

During the course of this litigation, Assistant Attorney General Therese Wheaten requested numerous extensions of time in which to respond to the petition. When she finally did respond, earned early release documentation was altered to support the Docs position.

The inmate became outraged that the Attorney General would use such tactics defending a case that clearly warranted relief. As a result, the inmate filed an official complaint with the Bar Association that alleged "Therese Wheaten used altered documents that she knew to be inaccurate to keep Mr. James past his lawful release date."

The case regarding earned time and the Attorney General complaint are currently pending a determination and updates will be reported.

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