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$1,500 for Failure to Assist Disabled Prisoner

$1,500 for failure to assist disabled prisoner

In 1999, Ronald Christner was confined at the AHCC. Mr. Christner is disabled and requires assistance in attending to his personal hygiene needs. On August 8, Mr. Christner was given a bath by AHCC nursing staff. Although he was supposed to be constantly monitored and assisted while bathing, AHCC staff left him unattended in a tub for more than an hour. Mr. Christner subsequently slipped, hit his head and was rendered unconscious.

Mr. Christner filed a tort claim with the Division of Risk Management, alleging that AHCC nursing staff were medically negligent in failing to properly assist him in bathing. Risk Management settled the claim for $1,500. Mr. Christner was not represented by counsel. See: Matter of Christner, Tort Claim No. 31050438 (Feb. 22, 2000).

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