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Two Strikes and You're Out - of Prison Space

In past issues of PLN we have reported on Georgia's "two-strike" law. Before the November, 1994, elections both Governor Zell "Zig Zag" Miller and Corrections Commissioner Allen Ault assured the GA legislature and voters that the state had enough prison capacity to absorb the increased prisoners that would result from passage of the two-strike law, well into the next century.

A little over three months later (and after "Zig Zag" was reelected) Ault told this year's legislature that the state's prisons will be full in just five months. He said that Georgia would have to build five  7,000 bed prisons per year at a cost of $26 million each just to keep pace with prison population growth projections. The state is just finishing a $100 million building program that added 7,000 new beds.

Source: News clipping from a PLN reader, without the name of the paper or the date. Please keep those clippings coming, but remember to include the name and date of the publication.

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