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Public Access to Documents Resources

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press is a trade organization of journalists. The Committee publishes a number of very reasonably priced, authoritative and comprehensive publication that are invaluable to journalists, muckrakers, those seeking access to government information and those litigating information access issues.

Available materials include a booklet and CD-ROM on How to Use the Federal Freedom of Information Act , comprehensive guides on state public disclosure laws in all 50 states; a First Amendment handbook to help editors and reporters deal with legal issues; a state by state survey on the ability to legally tape phone calls; a guide to access to state and federal court records, police records, electronic records and much more.

I have ordered several of the booklets for use In publishing PLN and gathering government documents for news stories. The materials are uniformly well produced, accurate, informative and useful. For more information contact: RCFFP, 1101 Wilson Blvd. Suite 1910, Arlington, VA 22209. (703) 807-2100.

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