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From the Editor

Welcome to the last issue of Prison Legal News for 2010. By now subscribers should have received our annual fundraiser letter requesting donations. Unlike other non-profit organizations, we do not bombard our subscribers with dozens of beg letters a year; we only send out one. But when we send out a request for financial support, we really mean it. Our subscription and advertising income only covers a portion of the expenses related to publishing the magazine. The remainder is made up by individual donations and grants.

If you believe in an independent media, this is your chance to support it. In addition to publishing Prison Legal News, the Human Rights Defense Center also publishes books (more on that below), provides advocacy on behalf of prisoners in select cases and vigorously challenges prison and jail censorship practices around the country. None of which would be possible without support from our readers.

If you can afford to make a tax deductible donation to the HRDC or PLN, please do so.
Equally important, please encourage others to make a donation to support our work, to subscribe and to advertise and purchase books from us. It all helps. Every day I receive letters, e-mails and phone calls thanking us for the work we do. That is all nice but at the end of the month, we need money to pay the printer, the post office, the rent, employees and the assorted expenses that are incurred publishing a magazine and all the other work we do on behalf of the imprisoned. The post office, the printer, etc., will not do things in exchange for “thanks,” they need money. We run a very lean operation and have bare bones expenses. Donations that are made to HRDC and/or PLN will go further and have a bigger impact than donations made to almost any other organization.

I am pleased to report that the second book by Prison Legal News Publishing has been printed and is available for shipping. The Habeas Citebook: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel by Brandon Sample is printed and ready to ship. The book offers a compendium of hundreds of cases where federal courts granted habeas relief due to ineffective assistance of counsel. It will save pro se litigants hundreds of hours of research. Ads and details on ordering are elsewhere in this issue of PLN.

The much awaited Prisoners Self-Help Litigation Manual is also available and we have been shipping a lot of copies to prisoners around the country. Note that the publisher is advertising the book in PLN but it can also be purchased directly from PLN as well.
Since we moved our office to Vermont we have vastly improved our book sales process. It helps that our office is above the post office! Generally all book orders are shipped the same day they are received. If you are looking for a holiday gift, please consider a book from PLN or a subscription.

Enjoy this issue of PLN and best wishes for a new year of greater struggle.

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