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Articles by Paul Wright

Legal Services Corporation Restrictions Affirmed

By Paul Wright

In the October, 1997, issue of PLN we reported Legal Aid Society of Hawaii v. Legal Services Corporation, 981 F. Supp. 1288 (D HI 1997), which held that some congressional restrictions on groups that accept Legal Services Corporation (LSC) funding were unconstitutional. The court of appeals for ...

With Advocates Lke These: Capitulation, Collaboration and CURE-Ohio

In the May, 1998, issue of PLN we reported on the November 1, 1997, statewide work strike in Ohio. The purpose of this article isn't to rehash last year's events but to examine basic questions of advocacy versus activism, opportunism and collaboration. While this article focuses on today's prison reform ...

Book Review: Project Censored: The News That Didn't Make the News

Washington on $10 Million a Day: How Lobbyists Plunder the Nation by Ken Silverstein. Common Courage Press

Project Censored: The News That Didn't Make the News, by Peter Phillips and Project Censored. Seven Stories Press.

Prison activists and others who seek reforms within the current political-economic structure have to come ...

Loompanics Unlimited

Loompanics modestly bills itself as "the best book catalog in the world." If it's not the best it is certainly the most diverse, having all the books you've heard about but probably haven't seen in the neighborhood bookstore. Loompanics is a publisher and vendor that pushes the first amendment to ...

U.S. Supreme Court Rules That ADA Applies to Prisoners

By Paul Wright

On June 15, 1998, a unanimous United States supreme court held that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.S.C. § 12132, applies to prisoners. In doing so the court resolved a split between the circuits and affirmed a third circuit ruling.

In 1990 congress enacted the ...

From the Editor

PLN 's book, The Celling of America , (TCOA) continues to do well. The first print run of 3,000 copies was sold out by June, less than three months after its official release date of March 1, 1998. All publications that have reviewed TCOA so far have liked it. This ...

Allan Ellis' Federal Prison Guidebook

Allan Ellis' Federal Prison Guidebook is a 312 page book that gives a detailed rundown of federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) facilities. Alan Ellis is a California attorney who specializes in the pre-sentence and post conviction representation of federal prisoners. He is nationally recognized as an expert in this area ...

Briefs of Leading Cases in Corrections

Briefs of Leading Cases in Corrections is a 268 page book by Rolando Del Carmen, Susan Ritter and Betsy Witt, which gives a summary and synopsis of 113 United States supreme court cases dealing with prisons, jails, probation, parole, the death penalty, sentencing and juvenile justice. The book is well ...

The Razor Wire

The Razor Wire is a 24 page bi-monthly tabloid published by the November Coalition. Its focus is on federal drug policy issues, specifically mandatory minimums and sentencing issues. A grassroots movement, the November Coalition encompasses prisoners, their families, as well as academics and other critics of the drug war. Subscriptions ...

Criminal Law

Criminal Law is an 809 page book designed for criminal justice personnel, judges, prosecutors, police, etc. The book is extremely useful for anyone seeking a basic understanding of substantive criminal law. It does not deal with criminal procedure. With extensive state and federal case citations the book is not intended ...